12 Factors: Revisiting the 6th Factor - Processes

Welcome to my blog! Hello everyone! In this article, we will continue our series on the 12 factors for the development of modern applications, inspired by the books of the legendary Martin Fowler. If you missed our previous articles, feel free to check out the other factors. Today, we will cover the sixth factor: Processes The sixth factor states that the application should be executed as one or more stateless processes, with data being stored in backing services....

March 30, 2023 · 3 min · Luiz Ferreira

12 Factors: Revisiting the 4th Factor - Backing Services

Welcome to my blog! We continue with our series of study and review of the 12 factors for the development of modern applications, inspired by the books of the legendary Martin Fowler. In previous articles, we discussed the first three factors: Codebase, Dependency Management, and Configurations. Today, we will address the fourth factor: Backing Services Backing services are external resources used by your application, such as databases, messaging systems, caching services, and other APIs....

March 28, 2023 · 4 min · Luiz Ferreira